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VUstat is a program with a wealth of possibilities to illustrate ideas in statistical education. VUstat is the statistical package for secondary education for students and teachers. VUstat comes with data and simulations to enhance teaching statistics and probability for students from the age of 12.

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  • Data analysis enables you to make the usual tables and graphs It has some advanced options, but the main purpose is to make the analysis of data easier to understand for student who is neither a statistics expert nor a computer whiz kid. The selection and splitting of the data is made straightforward.
  • Dataplot enables students to make graphs of data. Dataplot is a small environment, especially useful for analysing frequency tables. Traditionally much teaching concentrates on frequency tables. Dataplot allows the students to do more then drawing graphs, it lets the student concentrate on the more sensible task of comparing and interpreting data.
  • Make data. Created data by the student himself stimulates interest. The data can be analyzed with the module data analysis. Reaction times, beat time (metronome), predictability of typing behaviour are environments to create data.
  • Trees. A tree diagram visualises a probability tree from different viewpoints. Both a regular tree and a free tree are possible to construct. The module Urn shows the probabilities when drawing balls from an urn with or without replacement.
  • Probability. Distributions: The binomial, Poisson, t-distribution and normal distributions can easily be manipulated by students. The central limit theorem is demonstrated with skewed and normal dice.
    Students are able to handle and understand absolute frequencies much better than they do with relative frequencies and probabilities. In Galton board simulated and theoretical values are presented. In module Grid, the number of routes in a grid is shown. Combinatorics has a strong link to probability. This module introduces systematic counting, illustrated with colours or numbers.
  • Simulations, Applied simulations. These parts of the program lets the student run different simulations where he or she can interpret the data. This includes classical simulations such as throwing coins and dice, random generators and many more simulations.
  • Sampling. By playing with the module sampling distribution the students develop intuition about the sampling distribution from one population. Similar modules exists about two sampling from two populations, regression and one-way and two way ANOVA. Dancing samples shows the variability of the sample from a finite population with graphs.
  • Testing hypotheses. The difficult subject of testing a hypothesis is made comprehensible with a structured setup to formulate the test and the sample. The p-value is shown so that the student can easily see what is going on. Our conviction is that pictures that can be manipulated are helpful to give real understanding to most students prior to making the calculations.

VUstatplus does contain additional advanced modules for tertiary education.
For economics and business students there are decision trees and game trees.

Many parts of the program can be turned off so that the student is not confronted with too much complexity at any given stage.