3.2 Crosstabs with VUStat |
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Creating a crosstab with VUStat is of course much easier than by hand. You're working again with the same little set. That has only three variables: passenger, gender and survival. Two of these variables are category. VUStat therefore selects automatically for the crosstab.
crosstab, values absolute VUStat uses as default the absolute frequencies. The same as if you had done it by hand.
crosstab, values relatively VUStat, in addition to absolute numbers, can also show results relative to percentages. When calculating percentages, the total is always set to 100%. Because there are rows and columns in a crosstab, there are also several possibilities to distinguish totals. The margin totals, the column totals and the row totals can be set separately at 100% That creates a difference in the meaning of the percentages that you see in the crosstab.
Crosstabs Group by There are several variables in the Titanic dataset. You can also create crosstabs as before, but then grouped on a third variable, for example, by the variable class. You will then get a separate cross table for class 1, class 2 and class 3. You can also create other presentations with the three variables in a combined cross table. These are more difficult to read.